About Me

Hi all. My name is Jill. I figured if you were really interested in following my journey you might want to know a little bit about me so here it goes.

I am thirty years old and living in Columbus, Ohio. Seven years ago, I married my best friend, Joe. we have a very active, independent (sometimes a little too much) little boy, Connor, who is the joy of our lives. We are also hoping to add to our family sometime soon.

As far as work, I am a registered nurse working night shift at a local hospital. I work in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. In other words, I work with premature and sick infants and their families. I help these little ones grow, get strong, and have a healthy start at life. I absolutely love it!!!

I have always struggled with my weight. As far back as middle school, I remember being one of the chubby kids. I have dieted off and on since high school and, obviously, those methods have not worked. I am praying this time is different. Now that I am older, I have really been noticing the effects of being obese. There I said it, I am obese. I really want to be able to play with my son and be around for him for a long time so something has got to give. I really, really, really want it to work this time. It really, really, really, will work this time.

Thanks for following my journey.